Posts Tagged ‘pandemic’


Surviving Our Leaders

July 5, 2022

As a card-carrying member of a democratic society I, like you, have been conditioned to regard politics as the art of negotiation, when in truth it is the art of persuasion, the end result of which is a transaction.

By Michael Caporale

Let’s take, for example, an everyday common transaction, a sale on eBay.  In order to make the sale, persuasion is necessary.  The seller makes statements regarding the item or product, which may or may not be entirely true, but which are nevertheless weighted in favor of the seller.  To bring the buyer to the brink of decision is the politic of the sale, but finality can only be accomplished through negotiation.  An offer is made, negotiated and agreed to, and the transaction is completed.  That is the difference between politics and negotiations. Politics are not negotiations, far from it.

Politics is kissing babies, knowing how to eat pizza in Brooklyn or a Philly-cheese steak sandwich in Philadelphia.  It’s saying the right thing to the right people and the opposite of that to another set of the right people elsewhere.  It is being everybody’s candidate and yet, nobody’s candidate.  Politicians are chameleons changing color to match their environment.  What they know and what they secretly profess are two different matters, as can be witnessed in the recent Supreme Court decisions regarding Roe v. Wade.  Of the six judges in the majority opinion, three gained office through conscious deception, embracing legal precedent as the determining factor in rendering future judgements, knowing it was contrary to their political goals and even possibly their religious beliefs, save for one true Catholic, for we can never know with certainty that the profession of religious beliefs held by hypocrites is not just another act of politics, like eating folded pizza in Brooklyn. Once the sale is made, there will be no negotiation.  Politics is a standalone. It forms those who will become the negotiators, but does not determine their actions. After all, politics is marketing just as surely as propaganda is marketing. The danger is when politics crosses over into propaganda as when news organizations take it upon themselves to market a particular brand of partisan interests without informed discretion,  The repetition of partisan lies without vetting the source, without objective investigation, is as much an act of propaganda as the source message itself. No longer is that reporting on politics but engaging in propaganda.

Centuries ago, before the written word, before the Bible, the Torah, or the Quran, there were but a few humans scattered around the globe, separated by distance and land mass. As distances became shorter and land mass (mountains, rivers, oceans) was overcome, these disparate peoples began living in ever closer proximity to one another, each in a defined culture. As small as their numbers were, and as bountiful as earth’s resources were, they soon realized that they were competing with one another, as individuals, for the same resources, those critical to their survival.  What began as a personal competition soon broadened into a societal problem.  It became necessary for each culture to define a set of just rules to live by, rules to govern their society by, rules that would become the basis for law. In the Western world, we can easily trace the evolution of our legal system back to the old Testament of the Bible and specifically to the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. These ten guiding “rules” are the foundation of both Jewish and Christian morality and have served as the time-tested principles for societal management in Western cultures.

When the competition for resources expanded to finally become inter-tribal there were no common rules, no shared values to resolve conflict.  Each culture had its own God, often many Gods.  Superstition prevailed over reason.  When war erupted, the same rules that governed individuals within a society no longer applied to warring cultures of different beliefs.  Who could say with certainty that an unseen God was more than an idea put forth to prevent and manage chaos within a culture? Why should a culture, like that of the Romans or the Greeks, the Philistines and the many other Pagan societies, societies with many Gods, agree to a hypothetical system of reward and punishment devised to manage a monotheistic culture, with an afterlife beyond confirmation.  Confirmation being impossible, those beliefs were by their very nature, rightly only suspicions, eventually transforming into superstitions, and why not?  These firmly held beliefs were all unverifiable.  After all, who had been to heaven or hell and back?  What common determinant could be used to manage undesirable behavior between cultures?  There was none. The answer was violence. War.  Might made right.  The big fish eat the little fish and so on and so on.

The central warring issue would always be the right to a particular territory, initially used as hunting grounds, eventually becoming agricultural land and ultimately sought for its geological resources—copper, gold, oil, uranium, cobalt, diamonds, chromium, quartz, nickel and so on.

To resolve this dilemma territories were defined by borders, usually determined by the separation of bodies of land by bodies of water—oceans, seas, lakes or rivers.  But often, the established borders were arbitrary, formed by some other convention or agreement.  Once borders were established further agreements were necessary between these territories—eventually cities, states, nations– to insure peace. Initially these were treaties and eventually trade agreements. Certain areas of land were better suited for growing cotton, teas, tobacco, sugar, coffee, corn and wheat while by sheer luck, others territories were discovered to have been graced with geological windfalls limited exclusively to within its borders.  Where treaties and trade agreements failed, only violence would resolve the competition for survival at the expense of one culture over another.

If we can understand this basic concept, that of competition for survival, resulting in violence, then we need realize that the competition for survival is not limited to just the temporal, the physical realities engendered in the right to a body of land, but it is also a competition for all human rights, a competition for basic human rights that every living human is entitled to, a competition for rights between the individuals in a society and its government to exercise those rights.  In every case, governments across the globe control the exercise of those rights. In the United States we call the exercise of those rights constitutionally guaranteed freedom.

Just as land masses and bodies of water define territories, so too cultural differences founded in religious belief define freedoms, the limitation of the rights of individuals within a society.  A citizen of one country, as I travel through other countries my freedoms change, yet I am the same person, the same citizen of the United States.  Freedoms granted here are not honored there, yet as humans we are all equal. Governments are to blame. In every case, the foundations of those governments are rooted in the religious beliefs of that region and where multiple cultures exist, firmly held beliefs contribute to violence as the means to cultural survival.  Resolution in this manner can only be accomplished by annihilation or absorption, just look a t Native Americans as an example.

From this perspective we must look upon the ultimate resolution of all differences as reductionist, each culture defeating another until only one remains.  That’s a very dark future, indeed, and certainly one that we have no time for.

Our current circumstance requires immediate action.  Rather than competing for survival we must now realize that we actually depend on each other for survival.  The issues that plague us are common to all cultures, all nations, all religions.  We are all affected by climate change, be it floods or droughts, crop losses, extreme weather like hurricanes, tornadoes and soaring temperatures, forest fires, water shortages that affect electric dams and sources of drinking water, the warming of the oceans and the death of coral reefs, loss of glaciers and melting icecaps, the rise of the oceans and the threat to coastal shores, the extinction of certain species and the migration of others, and ultimately all this is generating an extreme competition for survival if we cannot pull together and manage it as one.

The recent Covid Pandemic is the best example of how we depend on each other and have shared consequences.  What started in one nation quickly spread throughout the entire globe.  Solutions were not as forthcoming.  When solutions became available, they were developed privately and monetized, but eventually gave way to government backing and after some time distributed freely within our borders.  Not so lucky were third world countries, or those seeking their own solutions and disregarding ours.  If we are to save the world, who will pay for it?  If we don’t save them. We will surely pay for it far worse, for what affects them comes back to affect us.  We have to realize that we cannot go it alone.  There are consequences to “America First” doctrine.

We cannot remain rooted in a competition of religious ideas to determine our mutual survival. What afterlife we believe in or by what methods we attain it, will not insure the survival of our planet. To earthly life as we know it, heavenly life is irrelevant.  When all humanity dies and it was we who brought about the death of every other species, and the planet itself, then there will be no one left to ascend to heaven from the hell we will have earned and well deserved.

Now is the time to understand that we are One. What affects you affects me equally.  Let’s work together on our common ground and address our mutual threats together.  We must demand that our governments conform to our needs and work together, but first we must show them how.  We must lead by example.  We must demand solutions and provide the means.  In the United States the clock is winding down and we must vote every politician out of office who does not support acting in the interest of the entire planet.  There can be no special interests except for that of Mother Earth.  Let’s establish full equality and real economic justice by weeding our government of those who oppose such ideals.  Forget about policy.  That can come later if we install leaders devoted to ideals rather than partisan solutions.  If everyone is committed to ideals then solutions are inevitable.  Remember we are One.  We must start the process of healing the planet by regeneration, that of our so-called leaders.  Yesterday’s solutions are no solution today.


Screenplay: S1.E4 Survival of the Fittest

February 9, 2021
S1.E4 Survival of the Fittest
 By Michael Caporale
 Storm clouds hover, as the HMS Beagle precipitously heads into the Bermuda Triangle. Charles Darwin, battered with rain leaves the deck to seek shelter below.  As he navigates the stairs, he slips and hits his head, knocking himself unconscious.
 Darwin awakens to find the Beagle docked in Tampa Bay.
 He debarks the ship and stares in amazed confusion at the city skyline and the throngs of activity on the streets as Super Bowl 55 fans make their way to bars in and around the city and nearby areas.
 As passengers deboard planes and head for the city, running for cabs, they celebrate the moment by removing their masks and breathing a sigh of relief. One approaches a cabbie.
 Take me to Ybor City.
 Several rowdy fans sit in the back seat of a cab stalled in traffic.  They are all costumed as BUCCANEERs in support of the Tampa team. One of them notices Darwin looking lost.
 Hey, check out that guy over there.
 You mean that old guy.
 Yeh, he’s a Buc fan for sure.  Look at his outfit.  Looks like he needs help. What say we give him a lift?
 Darwin sits amid the three Buccaneers.
 Hey, where’d you get your outfit?  Man, that looks pretty damn authentic.
 Where are we?
 You don’t know?  Dude, you ARE in a bad way.
 We’re in Tampa for Super Bowl 55 and we’re taking you to Ybor city to party with us.
 He probably escaped a nursing home or something, you know dementia.
 Fuck!  He could have Covid.
 Oh SHIT!!!
 What’s Covid?
 Here, put this on.
 They hand Darwin a surgical mask. He puts it on.
 Why am I wearing this?
 OK we get it that you don’t know, but it’s like this old man…  see there’s this disease, a virus going around and the way to stop it from transmitting from one person to another is to wear this mask…
 … and keeping social distance, like staying 6 feet apart.
 … and avoiding large crowds! This virus is brutal.  You could end up dead.  But you don’t have to worry as long as you do these three things, you’re safe.
 Darwin struggles to make his way through a packed crowd of young people.  None are wearing a mask. Several are falling down drunk.  The floor is wet with spilled beer and as Darwin is being careful not to slip again, he looks down and discovers a wet ticket to the game.  He picks it up and looks around the room, then moves towards the door.
 Darwin is seated between cardboard cutouts of fans. He truns to the one on his right.
 Hello.  Nice day for a game, is it not?…  Oh dear, excuse me I have forgotten my social etiquette. Allow me to introduce myself.  I am Charles Darwin.
 Darwin extends his hand
 Hmmm… you seem to be the quiet type.  Have I offended you in some way?
 Darwin continues to stare at the cardboard fan, then withdraws his hand.  He reaches for his notebook in the breast pocket inside his coat and begins scribbling something:
 “This disease is most peculiar. It takes a fully formed human and removes the innards, leaving only the two-dimensional resemblance of that human, stiff and lifeless.It Is yet another confirmation of the natural selection process, survival of the fittest.  Through their actions, it strikes young adults while avoiding older, wiser adults who stay home, avoid large crowds and wear their masks. Unfortunately, that segment of humanity will be unable to replicate due to age and if allowed to continue to spread, this virus could mean the end of the human race… an endangered species will eventually become extinct.”
 A television blares forth the news to an empty bar.
 …  and in an effort to support the continuation of the human species, the World Council on Procreation recommends that males over 50 make an application to become a sperm donor.
 Here you go Mr. Darwin.  May I call you Charlie?
 She hands him a porno magazine. Darwin opens the door to a private booth and disappears.

Herd Immunity

October 19, 2020

Election posturing has reached the final phase of its dying throes. As Biden takes careful footing to avoid mis-steps, Trump follows his singular master plan to distract voters with shiny objects and dog whistles. Very little is being postulated that we have not already heard, except there is something underlying Trump’s latest attacks that is oddly gratifying. It is the smell of fear that betrays his deep desperation.Having boxed himself in, Trump cannot escape his shadowed corner to make tracks in the wet paint he has laid on the floor of the republic, tracks that would betray his total ineptness.

Not comfortable being forced to disavow the Proud Boys, white supremacists and Qanon, he recently lashed out with the most preposterous conspiracy re-tweet yet, claiming that Obama and Biden secretly assassinated Seal Team Six to stop any potential leaks revealing that they did not kill Osama Bin Laden, but faked his death. This is a tried and true tactic for him that allows him to put repugnant ideas forth into the blogosphere without responsibility as the originating author. “It’s not me, it’s them,” is a failed excuse since it belies his propensity to support the very whacko fringe he has so much trouble disassociating from and bonds him ever closer to it.

In that shadowed corner his dilemma is obvious. He must hold on to his base and yet cannot win without an appeal to women, the largest slice of the voting pie. How can one do both, without alienating the one or the other? SO… the stable genius’ approach is to fan what he perceives to be the fears of suburban women, telling them that he “saved them” by keeping low-income housing from creeping into their middle class neighborhoods and by his draconian approach to law and order. But to a an out-of-work, suburban mother who is worried about paying the mortgage, feeding her kids and losing her healthcare, this is of little concern.

And, while he rambles on at super-spreader rallies without his prompter, he can’t think fast enough to self-censor, a symptom of impulsiveness found in ADHD. In that moment, a glimpse of truth, the truth of his desperation surfaces, like a shunned tween on Instagram, “Please like me.” How utterly pathetic. Yet, he was not quite done. He went on to reinforce his misogynist image by saying he could kiss “all the beautiful women,” apparently not the plain Janes or the hopelessly ugly ones, voters all.

Nevertheless, Trump is not living in the very bubble he has created. He is well aware that the most significant issue of this election is the Covid-19 pandemic and his failure to do anything other than to place the United States at the top of the international “worst” list. As the rate of deaths rises and hospital beds fill, positivity rates increase putting us in the winner’s circle. He tells his followers that it will be over soon, the end is “just around the corner.” His plan is to wait for a vaccine and wait… here it comes… the giant double-whopper with cheese, we can achieve herd immunity by purposely infecting our youth with the virus, just what young suburban mothers want to hear.

According to his source, the “Great Barrington Declaration,” lockdowns do more harm than good and states should open schools, bars, restaurants, churches and arenas and let the virus rip. This strategy is referred to as “focused protection” whereby the most vulnerable people in a society are shielded by everybody else being allowed to resume life as normal, getting the virus, surviving and thus resulting in the eventual outcome, “herd immunity.” Sheer idiocy.

But to Trump, this concept must seem like a validation of his ultimate genius, since he has become an established expert on the application of the herd immunity principle. His constant barrage of non-sensical attacks and “alternative facts” have solidified herd immunity (to science and data and objective analysis) with a vaccine of emotion administered to his 30% base, now immune to reason.


Understanding Conservatism in the Age of the Pandemic

July 16, 2020

child measuring

What motivates any young person to choose a specific career… say, as in medicine, law enforcement, or the arts?  Is there something inherent in our DNA, determining one’s personality, that moves us through life affecting the choices we make?  Might it be a natural tendency to be expressive, compassionate or forceful?  Is it an unconscious, guiding force that sets the tone for the balance of our lives?  Perhaps, that tone can be, at its essence, also one of either a conservative or liberal (progressive) disposition, more so a natural force from within than an external conscious choice.  Start by asking yourself if you gravitate towards risk or stability?  Are we but a needle in a compass?

Conservatism is at its core a desire for the world, all things, to remain as they are, to preserve and conserve a way of life, or to return to a way that once was and is now gone.  It’s often referred to as “traditional,”  a way of life passed on from generation to generation.  When that chain of tradition is broken, Conservatism dictates that the connection must be restored. “Make America Great Again” can only be embraced by Conservatives.  To do so requires a belief that something has been lost.  But what?  Return to what?  Just what was lost?

If, for example,  you believe that Christian, European purity is the foundation of the American dream, then you would easily be threatened by a movement to embrace peoples of color, different religions, or an expanded social morality.  This is the extreme form of Conservatism that reveals itself as White Supremacy and American Nationalism.  “They will not replace us” says it all.  As peoples of color grow in numbers, they threaten to upset the balance of power that exists in our democracy by virtue of the voting process.  This is what is meant by “replace us.”  The fear is that they will determine the future of the nation and the chain of “tradition” will be broken and remain so.  Consequently, the GOP, a party of conservatism, seeks to control the vote by suppressing voter turnout among traditionally Democratic party voters and restore the center of power to White, heterosexual Christians fearing the extinction of their old way of life, in many ways such as the loss of individualism to herd mentality; a turn away from Jesus, their savior (a paradox to the former); the burden on the economy of the welfare state; the shackling of the Men in Blue who minimize the crawl of religious and racial infection with unchecked authority and ultimately; and the destruction of the American family as they knew it, a God-fearing, law-abiding unit, the foundation of our strength as Americans. That’s just too much change for the conservative mind to wrap itself around.

As legislation is considered to be more inclusive, conservatives naturally oppose it.  As science reveals patterns of change that indicate the unsustainability of our approach to the environment, conservatives work to deny science and defeat all attempts to change the inevitable perilous outcome.  And so on and so on until now… we reach the Covid pandemic, a non-partisan fact exterminating Americans at a record pace.

At first it came for the old folks in the nursing homes and everyone else said, “Ah, that’s not me.  Nothing has to change.  I can keep on living the way I am now.” Then after a brief lockdown, businesses suffered and the GOP governors relented and opened up too early, flooding churches, the bars, the beaches and parks with large crowds passing the infection along, and the younger crowd said, “That’s not me. It’s only killing older people.”  How wrong they were.  And as the pandemic rolled merrily along, it began to reach deeper for victims into children of school age, enabled by GOP politicians who fear defying Trump, while believing that restoring the economy must be done by restoring the old norms. Just look at what happened!  In liberal New York strict guidelines were enforced and the curve was flattened. In the last few days they reached a total of 0 infections and 0 deaths, while Red Southern states, led by the GOP, have reached record highs in both infections and deaths, filled their hospitals and ICU beds, and moved refrigerator trucks in to supplement morgue capacity, overflowing with the dead.  And what do they propose to do about school age children?… Send them back to school without a comprehensive plan. Who’s nuts, them or us that allow it?

Look at the map.  It started with the Southern states, like Florida, Texas and Arizona, but has spread to Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, The Carolinas, Virginia, Alabama and beyond, conservative “Red” states, GOP governed states, resistant to change.  Wearing a mask is too much change.  Avoiding large public gatherings is too much change.  Maintaining social distancing is too much change.  So they go about their lives as they were before, without regard for themselves and others.  They foolishly, unknowingly and carelessly are spreading the infection, killing their friends, family and strangers alike.  And their governors won’t go against them.  They need the votes.  How many deaths will it take before we can see how that shakes out?

There’s an old saying, “change or die.”  All things change over time.  We call this growth.  When growth stops, all things die.  When we choose to stop changing, to stop growing, we are choosing to die.  That is what is happening now, quite literally.