Posts Tagged ‘virus’


Virulent Mutations

February 17, 2021

While America is finally coming to terms with the Covid-19 pandemic, there is yet another, more aggressive virus infecting our nation and the world at large that has yet to be brought under control—Trumpism.

Like Covid, the most immediate remedy is to isolate the virus through masking and social distancing.  Masking was effectively accomplished by Twitter when it permanently removed Trump from its site, and social distancing became practical when Trump quarantined himself in Mara Lago.  But as in the case of the Covid pandemic, we need remain vigilant lest the many other virulent mutations of the disease cause a reinfection.

While Trump’s polling numbers are on the decline, the symptoms of Trumpism remain—rampant lying, quasi-legal and illegal activities, hatred of the media, hidden financial transgressions, fraud, racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, fascism, authoritarianism, the growing numbers of hate groups and preposterous conspiracy theories, the rise of homeland terrorism, the many forms of outspoken white supremacists, political whack-a-doodles like Marjorie Taylor Greene and sadly, the culmination of all of these into the growing predisposition for, and ultimately several demonstrations of, armed insurrection. 

It may well be that the dominant mutation will prove to be the dark horse, Lara Trump, who is being touted as a Congressional candidate in North Carolina 2022.  But also consider that Ivanka Trump is no slouch, as she is eyeing a Senatorial run in Florida. Say “goodbye,” Marco Rubio.  You should have stood for something ethical, rather than to be subservient to a fraudster.  But clearly, Don Junior has put himself out front at rallies to be the big-mouthed successor to the king. Son Eric may just have to be content with a role as Court Jester, replacing Rudi Giuliani who may well be on his way to a deserved rest of “involuntary confinement.”

These mutations are very real and will make every attempt to infect our society with far reaching global consequences evidenced as environmental and  economic disasters and armed conflict. Vaccinate now while you can!


Screenplay: S1.E4 Survival of the Fittest

February 9, 2021
S1.E4 Survival of the Fittest
 By Michael Caporale
 Storm clouds hover, as the HMS Beagle precipitously heads into the Bermuda Triangle. Charles Darwin, battered with rain leaves the deck to seek shelter below.  As he navigates the stairs, he slips and hits his head, knocking himself unconscious.
 Darwin awakens to find the Beagle docked in Tampa Bay.
 He debarks the ship and stares in amazed confusion at the city skyline and the throngs of activity on the streets as Super Bowl 55 fans make their way to bars in and around the city and nearby areas.
 As passengers deboard planes and head for the city, running for cabs, they celebrate the moment by removing their masks and breathing a sigh of relief. One approaches a cabbie.
 Take me to Ybor City.
 Several rowdy fans sit in the back seat of a cab stalled in traffic.  They are all costumed as BUCCANEERs in support of the Tampa team. One of them notices Darwin looking lost.
 Hey, check out that guy over there.
 You mean that old guy.
 Yeh, he’s a Buc fan for sure.  Look at his outfit.  Looks like he needs help. What say we give him a lift?
 Darwin sits amid the three Buccaneers.
 Hey, where’d you get your outfit?  Man, that looks pretty damn authentic.
 Where are we?
 You don’t know?  Dude, you ARE in a bad way.
 We’re in Tampa for Super Bowl 55 and we’re taking you to Ybor city to party with us.
 He probably escaped a nursing home or something, you know dementia.
 Fuck!  He could have Covid.
 Oh SHIT!!!
 What’s Covid?
 Here, put this on.
 They hand Darwin a surgical mask. He puts it on.
 Why am I wearing this?
 OK we get it that you don’t know, but it’s like this old man…  see there’s this disease, a virus going around and the way to stop it from transmitting from one person to another is to wear this mask…
 … and keeping social distance, like staying 6 feet apart.
 … and avoiding large crowds! This virus is brutal.  You could end up dead.  But you don’t have to worry as long as you do these three things, you’re safe.
 Darwin struggles to make his way through a packed crowd of young people.  None are wearing a mask. Several are falling down drunk.  The floor is wet with spilled beer and as Darwin is being careful not to slip again, he looks down and discovers a wet ticket to the game.  He picks it up and looks around the room, then moves towards the door.
 Darwin is seated between cardboard cutouts of fans. He truns to the one on his right.
 Hello.  Nice day for a game, is it not?…  Oh dear, excuse me I have forgotten my social etiquette. Allow me to introduce myself.  I am Charles Darwin.
 Darwin extends his hand
 Hmmm… you seem to be the quiet type.  Have I offended you in some way?
 Darwin continues to stare at the cardboard fan, then withdraws his hand.  He reaches for his notebook in the breast pocket inside his coat and begins scribbling something:
 “This disease is most peculiar. It takes a fully formed human and removes the innards, leaving only the two-dimensional resemblance of that human, stiff and lifeless.It Is yet another confirmation of the natural selection process, survival of the fittest.  Through their actions, it strikes young adults while avoiding older, wiser adults who stay home, avoid large crowds and wear their masks. Unfortunately, that segment of humanity will be unable to replicate due to age and if allowed to continue to spread, this virus could mean the end of the human race… an endangered species will eventually become extinct.”
 A television blares forth the news to an empty bar.
 …  and in an effort to support the continuation of the human species, the World Council on Procreation recommends that males over 50 make an application to become a sperm donor.
 Here you go Mr. Darwin.  May I call you Charlie?
 She hands him a porno magazine. Darwin opens the door to a private booth and disappears.

The Chink in His Armor

October 5, 2020

It has been long recognized by the medical community that the road to recovery for any physical ailment is enhanced by a positive state of mind.  Really good caregiving requires the administers of care give special attention to the psychological needs of the patient.  For example, a patient with a severe case of narcissism, undiagnosed or not,  may require substantial exposure to mega-doses of an outpouring of love.  In Trump’s case, who better to know his needs than the patient himself.  So it was that less than an hour ago, Trump sheltered himself in his armored SUV, one in a parade of similar vehicles surrounded by Secret Service foot-soldiers to manage the crowds, and performed a quick round-the-block tour of the streets surrounding the Walter Reed Medical Center, to the adoring cheers of the Trump-Flag waving sentinels eager to show support of their fearless, wounded leader to drivers-by. Now it was Trump’s turn to drink-in the blood of their love like any parasite must do.

Mental illness is a grave disability, that when unchecked and untreated can ultimately be destructive to any social relationship, whether family, friends or business.  Only yesterday, I was forced to terminate the relationship of a friend who stole from me, not because of the theft, but because of the wall of denial comprising a narrative void of responsibility, and a spin of grievances offered as a legitimate rationale for the violation of trust excusing his dishonor, as if to say the theft was justified by his feelings towards me.  That’s some sick shit! The relationship was well past the point that I needed to move on for my own health.

Likewise, there is sufficient evidence that Trump is stealing from the citizens of this country every day.  His obfuscations, spin and denials are corrupting the relationships we share with each other, in the same way that a disturbed friend or family member will divide a family or a community.  The search for truth reaches deep into families and often determines our friends or those who we choose to work with.  At some point it is necessary for our own health to terminate such a relationship as we have with Trump. As our system allows, that opportunity is at hand, quite unlike Trump’s cheery position on the  Corona virus, the election is “just around the corner.” Let’s move to protect our nation and not worry about Trump’s flagging ego.


Understanding Conservatism in the Age of the Pandemic

July 16, 2020

child measuring

What motivates any young person to choose a specific career… say, as in medicine, law enforcement, or the arts?  Is there something inherent in our DNA, determining one’s personality, that moves us through life affecting the choices we make?  Might it be a natural tendency to be expressive, compassionate or forceful?  Is it an unconscious, guiding force that sets the tone for the balance of our lives?  Perhaps, that tone can be, at its essence, also one of either a conservative or liberal (progressive) disposition, more so a natural force from within than an external conscious choice.  Start by asking yourself if you gravitate towards risk or stability?  Are we but a needle in a compass?

Conservatism is at its core a desire for the world, all things, to remain as they are, to preserve and conserve a way of life, or to return to a way that once was and is now gone.  It’s often referred to as “traditional,”  a way of life passed on from generation to generation.  When that chain of tradition is broken, Conservatism dictates that the connection must be restored. “Make America Great Again” can only be embraced by Conservatives.  To do so requires a belief that something has been lost.  But what?  Return to what?  Just what was lost?

If, for example,  you believe that Christian, European purity is the foundation of the American dream, then you would easily be threatened by a movement to embrace peoples of color, different religions, or an expanded social morality.  This is the extreme form of Conservatism that reveals itself as White Supremacy and American Nationalism.  “They will not replace us” says it all.  As peoples of color grow in numbers, they threaten to upset the balance of power that exists in our democracy by virtue of the voting process.  This is what is meant by “replace us.”  The fear is that they will determine the future of the nation and the chain of “tradition” will be broken and remain so.  Consequently, the GOP, a party of conservatism, seeks to control the vote by suppressing voter turnout among traditionally Democratic party voters and restore the center of power to White, heterosexual Christians fearing the extinction of their old way of life, in many ways such as the loss of individualism to herd mentality; a turn away from Jesus, their savior (a paradox to the former); the burden on the economy of the welfare state; the shackling of the Men in Blue who minimize the crawl of religious and racial infection with unchecked authority and ultimately; and the destruction of the American family as they knew it, a God-fearing, law-abiding unit, the foundation of our strength as Americans. That’s just too much change for the conservative mind to wrap itself around.

As legislation is considered to be more inclusive, conservatives naturally oppose it.  As science reveals patterns of change that indicate the unsustainability of our approach to the environment, conservatives work to deny science and defeat all attempts to change the inevitable perilous outcome.  And so on and so on until now… we reach the Covid pandemic, a non-partisan fact exterminating Americans at a record pace.

At first it came for the old folks in the nursing homes and everyone else said, “Ah, that’s not me.  Nothing has to change.  I can keep on living the way I am now.” Then after a brief lockdown, businesses suffered and the GOP governors relented and opened up too early, flooding churches, the bars, the beaches and parks with large crowds passing the infection along, and the younger crowd said, “That’s not me. It’s only killing older people.”  How wrong they were.  And as the pandemic rolled merrily along, it began to reach deeper for victims into children of school age, enabled by GOP politicians who fear defying Trump, while believing that restoring the economy must be done by restoring the old norms. Just look at what happened!  In liberal New York strict guidelines were enforced and the curve was flattened. In the last few days they reached a total of 0 infections and 0 deaths, while Red Southern states, led by the GOP, have reached record highs in both infections and deaths, filled their hospitals and ICU beds, and moved refrigerator trucks in to supplement morgue capacity, overflowing with the dead.  And what do they propose to do about school age children?… Send them back to school without a comprehensive plan. Who’s nuts, them or us that allow it?

Look at the map.  It started with the Southern states, like Florida, Texas and Arizona, but has spread to Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, The Carolinas, Virginia, Alabama and beyond, conservative “Red” states, GOP governed states, resistant to change.  Wearing a mask is too much change.  Avoiding large public gatherings is too much change.  Maintaining social distancing is too much change.  So they go about their lives as they were before, without regard for themselves and others.  They foolishly, unknowingly and carelessly are spreading the infection, killing their friends, family and strangers alike.  And their governors won’t go against them.  They need the votes.  How many deaths will it take before we can see how that shakes out?

There’s an old saying, “change or die.”  All things change over time.  We call this growth.  When growth stops, all things die.  When we choose to stop changing, to stop growing, we are choosing to die.  That is what is happening now, quite literally.